What are the Most Popular Joint/Dual MBA Programs?

In today’s competitive marketplace, students are attempting to figure out how to set themselves apart. Having a dual MBA degree is one way to do so. Maybe you haven’t decided on a specific career and want to keep your options open. Or perhaps you have decided on a particular specialty and want to develop expertise in your industry. Whatever your reason, there are several popular joint/dual MBA programs for you to consider.

A joint, or dual, MBA program allows you to earn two degrees in a shortened period of time. With a joint degree, the courses you take count toward both degrees. If you are interested in pursuing a business related career, an MBA degree is an excellent addition to your current course of study, regardless of your intended profession.

What Are Some Popular Joint/Dual MBA Programs?

Do you want to pursue a career in Education Management? Health Management? Media Management? This is when having an MBA in addition to your master degree will give you an edge over other candidates in your field. You will find popular joint MBA programs in fields such as education (MA in Education/MBA), environmental studies (MS Environmental Studies/MBA), public health (MPH/MBA), public policy (MPP/MBA), and journalism (MS in Journalism/MBA).

Are Joint MBA Programs with MD or JD Degrees Just As Popular?

While MD/MBA and JD/MBA programs are offered, these candidates are often more selective in pursuing these degrees. MD/MBA degrees are really helpful for going into and understanding hospital management, but not if you just want to practice medicine. And, if you only want to practice law, the JD/MBA program may not be necessary for your future goals. Getting a dual degree in these fields is a popular choice if you have a clear idea of what career path you want to pursue.

Things to Consider When Choosing a Popular Dual MBA Program

There are multiple schools that offer popular joint MBA programs. Research them carefully to make sure you understand each school’s requirements. Understanding it will cost more and take you longer to graduate is only one part of choosing your program. Sometimes a joint degree program may take less time to complete, but not give you the coursework and expertise you would gain by pursuing a dual degree program.

Whether you know exactly what dual MBA program you want, or if you just want to keep your options open and add an MBA degree to the advanced degree you know you are going to pursue, there are many popular  programs to choose from. Be sure to do your research and be prepared to spend the extra time and money.