What is a Chief Ecosystem Officer?

what-is-a-chief-ecosystem-officerThe Chief Ecosystem Officer is a new role on the board and has been touted the C-suite executive of the future.

If you aspire to be an executive on the board of a Fortune 500 public company, learning about the role of the new breed of CEO that holds an already popular acronym is key. If you would like to know what separates the CEO of the future with the officer in charge of the entire organization, read on and find out what Chief Ecosystem Officers do and how they can help give an organization a competitive edge.

What is the Key Responsibility of the Newest CEO Title?

A Chief Ecosystem Officer is an effective way to describe the executive in charge of community management. As an appointed C-suite community manager, the new CEO will be the key executive that oversees both partnerships and the dynamics in the industry and how the organization is shaping its presence. It has become a full-time job for public companies to understand how the dynamics between each different type of partnership can change. This is especially true in both the finance and healthcare sectors, which is why the new CEO is looking to become a mainstay in many different arenas.

What Unique Qualities do These CEO Community Managers Have?

As do all executives, you will need a unique set of skills and qualities to hold the title of ecosystem officer. You of course need to be a leader, but beyond that you need to have that special something that helps you move people and motivate them to work together as one. CEO’s are freethinkers who look for unique ways to keep employees and other partners in communication with each other so that each arm of the organization works towards their mission as one.

Since it is all about collaboration and turning corporation into a bound community, the CEO needs to be someone that people believe in and that people want to listen to. They also need to be planners who have a strategic edge so that they can review measures and then make adjustments in frameworks accordingly.

Why is There a Need for New Executive Roles in Public Companies?

Public companies simply want to identify places where they can compete and eventually grow. While this might sound simple at surface level, how a company fosters growth and expands their book of business is becoming much more complex. Many have claimed there is a new vision in corporations called the ecological vision. This means that systems within the corporate environment are becoming more complex and require more attention at an executive level.

Since the Chief Executive Officer cannot monitor and oversee it all alone, there is a need for new roles that can collate all of the moving parts and bring them together. This is what the Ecosystem Officer does. There are even more roles being created that help corporations evolve and take them to the next level.

If you have always dreamed of having your own suite in the C-suite, it is time to learn about how titles and roles are changing. For those natural leaders who can bring people together and turn them into collaborative communities, the CEO title may be for you. Earn your advanced degree, look for community management roles, and then work your way up the corporate ladder to become a Chief Ecosystem Officer.

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