What is AACSB Accreditation?

aacsb-accreditationDo you know the importance of attending an institution that has earned and maintained AACSB accreditation? If you are a prospective business school student looking for only the best business schools to attend, you may be wondering where you should start looking. Luckily, schools that have earned a special recognition from institutional accreditation agencies and specialized agencies are distinguished because they meet the strict standards of evaluating commissions. Read on, learn about the AACSB, and then decide if AACSB-accredited schools are the best choice for you.

Accreditation Ensures Students They Will Get a Quality Education

The stock of business graduates who are completing school and ready to compete in the employment market is on the rise. With so many graduates to choose from, employers must select candidates who have taken the best degrees programs from the most respected business schools. When you enroll in a program at an AACSB-accredited school, you have peace of mind in knowing that your degree will be highly regarded. The school has taken time to complete the long and voluntary process of evaluation to get accredited, and has met all of the rigorous quality standards of the accreditation board. By meeting these standards, the school has proven that they can provide the best education to business students. Schools with accreditation are recognized by all of the top employers and have a long list of employers who will only hire students from these schools.

What Are the Advantages of AACSB Accreditation?

When you attend business school and pay high tuition rates for 4 to 6 years of your life, you want to know that your degree will be an investment and not just a piece of paper that caused you to bury yourself in student loan debt. If you earn your undergraduate or graduate degree from an institution that has met the rigorous standards of the respected AACSB, you will be prepared to perform as a business professional right out of school. Employers know this, and because institutions perform so highly, many employers in the business sector will only consider students who attended a AACSB school. These schools have the best curriculum, the best programs and the best faculty. This means that you are making an investment into your future that is sure to offer you a faster return, and many times a greater lifetime return, than any other type of business degree.

Related Resource: State Listing of Graduate Schools Accredited in Accounting

Difference Between AACSB Accreditation and Others

As you start to compare business schools, you may find that there are several different accrediting agencies that set standards in business. Not all accreditation standards are equal, and choosing a school that meets the most stringent standards is important. What separates the AACSB apart from the rest is that it is a specialized accreditation that goes a step further than basic forms of recognition at an institutional level. While an institutional accreditation is a good thing, schools with a specialized accreditation operate at a higher level.

Do you want to find a job faster and earn a higher salary when you graduate from business school? If you want to find a position that pays well, improve your chances by taking an AACSB-accredited program. By choosing a school with an AACSB accreditation, you can be highly successful in business right out of school.