What Can I Do With an MBA in Energy?

In the past, an MBA in Energy fell into the “other” category when being classified. Now, with so many organizations focusing on becoming green, energy jobs have their own category in job placement. Government policies have mandated changes that make it a requirement for some companies in polluting industries to reduce their carbon footprint and other policies that create incentives for companies that are green and clean. With virtually all mid-sized and large Fortune 500 companies putting a focus on going green and reducing energy consumption, Energy is a growing sector to work in and a solid area to focus on in the future. Read on, and learn more about the MBA program concentrating on Energy and what jobs you can pursue once you earn one.

What is an MBA Degree in Energy?

The energy specialization is a fairly new MBA concentration, and not yet the most popular, but it is gaining momentum. MBA programs with a concentration in Energy and the Environment are designed to create or prepare energy industry executives. Students will gain industry knowledge along with the management principles that you would expect an MBA program to focus on. The MBA program will cover a variety of different subject areas that revolve around energy. Some of these subjects include: environmental law, carbon markets, energy science, environmental management, corporate sustainability, and entrepreneurship. You will use the information that you learn to develop strategies, analyze energy and come up with solutions to environmental problems.

Resource:  Top 20 Most Innovative MBA Programs, Ranked by Acceptance Rate 2014.


Most Popular Career Options for Graduates with a Green MBA

* Pricing Analyst: In the energy industry, pricing is extremely important. This is why there is a high demand for pricing analysts who offer pricing support and set manual pricing strategies while generating large proposals. An analyst may develop pricing models, review pricing to see if they meet federal standards, and set prices on the development of products.

* Energy Trader: Energy trading is a growing field and a high stress job that can be rewarding and fulfilling for people who are the right fit. The primary responsibility of an energy trader is to buy and sell shares of energy in an effort to make a profit. Professionals in this field will use computer programs and their knowledge of the energy industry to determine which way that prices will be headed to make the most profitable trades. Energy trading is very much like working in the stock market.

* Construction Project Manager: Energy construction management is also another very popular option for MBA graduates who have taken an energy focused program. As a project manager, you will oversee construction projects that involve renewable energy, electrical systems and other types of relevant projects. You may need to have some experience with project management or engineering to pursue this career.

It should be no surprise to you that the demand for energy professionals is on the rise. In fact, in the United States, where society relies heavily on fossil fuels and other forms of energy, the jobs in energy employment are on the rise. With a need for energy executives in many different industries, job outlook in the sector is very positive. Compare different accredited MBA in Energy programs, and decide which one will prepare you for the right type of career in a booming sector where there is a lot of potential.